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Banyard Millet Payasam

Prep Time:

30 Minutes

Cook Time:

30 Minutes


4 Servings



About the Recipe

It can be served hot or cold.


  • ingredient 1 - Barnyardmillet–150g

  • ingredient 2 - sugar–250g

  • ingredient 3 - milk–250ml

  • ingredient 4 - saffron–4-5 threads

  • ingredient 5 - dry fruits(cashew,almond and pista)–50g

  • ingredient 6 - ghee–30ml


Step 1

Cook together barnyard millet, saffron and milk on slow heat until the millet gets mashed.

Step 2

Add sugar and stir gently to cook payasam.

Step 3

Heat ghee in a pan add all dry fruits and roast until golden colour and add to the cooked payasam.

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